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Thursday, April 3, 2014

When the Ego is not present, then Man, and the Otherness, can fill each other out.

The reactions on the challenges of the world are an expression of Man as a natural being.

On the other hand they are also an expression of the historical limitation of Man, and therefore the instance, which under various forms makes it possible for the Ego to continue. The historical limitation is time and its images, the perspective you have on yourself and the world. The Ego is this historical limitation. The Ego is therefore a philosophical ego.

In such a process there can´t be any openness, devotion and love. Love can only arise when the Ego is not present.

When the Ego is not present, then Man, and the Otherness, can fill each other out. This happens in the devotion. True love is devotion, where you in self-forgetful openness give yourself away with the whole of your being.

That is the reason why the Life Artist must understand the whole of the process of mind, which is the thinking´s process.

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