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Wednesday, July 15, 2020

"Meditation as an Art of Life" is about seeing the world as a complete whole and not divided

“Taproot Illustration”, by Jessica Roux

Man is in habit of seeing the things from outside, fragmented. You observe the tree as something separate, you observe your wife or husband, as something separate, the office, the boss – everything in fragments; that is to say: from outside as something cut off.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

The Function of the Mind is to Investigate and Learn

“Falling Through Starlight”, by Catherine Hyde

To learn in philosophical sense doesn´t only mean to cultivate the memory, or to accumulate knowledge, but to learn to think clearly and rational without illusions, to start with facts and not with beliefs and ideals.

Friday, July 10, 2020

Following the Birds from the Mundane World into the Otherworld

Blackbirds and Mulberries, by Angela Harding (also have a look at her Bird Alphabet)

In her article, Following the Birds, Terri Windling quotes H.E. Bates´s book, Through the Woods, the Story of a Year in an English Woodland. Bates is describing the busy, beautiful, bird-filled months of the passage from winter to summer.