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Saturday, July 26, 2014

Deeper than personal and collective images are the universal images lying, what Sri Aurobindo called vision-logic

Deeper than personal and collective images are the universal images lying, what Sri Aurobindo called vision-logic: language which no longer is verbal, but which is superior, visionary syntheses and wholes, that work more in synchronism with the Now, than in sequences in past and future.

From this plane originates the world-images, the superior universal systems and paradigms: philosophical, scientifical, religious-spiritual and cosmic world-images and mappings.

These are linguistical refined, highly abstract, stratospherical or ionospherical levels of language and systems of reference, but however still linguistic structures and interpretations.

However they are in their original form not human made, and there is in Indian philosophy many discussions about whether they are expressions of the actual divine unmanifested source, or whether they lie somewhere between the unmanifested and the manifested.

They probably correspond to what the Western philosophers have called unmoved matter.

They are the thoughts of God.

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