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Wednesday, October 28, 2020

A Radical Change Requires Spiritual Anarchism and a Religious Revolution

Kenneth Grahame´s, ”The Wind in the Willows”, illustrated by Inga Moore

In my philosophical counseling practice, I talk about three aspects of my teaching: Meditation as an Art of Life. The third aspect is about going beyond all ideas an images. This aspect is also called Spiritual Anarchism.

Spiritual Anarchism is linked to a religious revolution.

What I´m talking about is something of immense importance because unless there is a fundamental revolution in each one of us, I do not see how we can bring about a vast, radical change in the world.

And surely, that radical change is essential.

Mere economic revolution, whether communistic or socialistic, is of no importance at all.

There can be only a religious revolution, and the religious revolution cannot take place if the mind is merely conforming to the pattern of a previous conditioning.

As long as one is a Christian or a Hindu, or a New Ager, there can be no fundamental revolution in this true religious sense of the word. And we do need such a revolution.

This doesn´t mean that you can´t have a religion as a frame of reference. In fact, I advice people to find a religion as a frame of reference. This will create a direction in the mind, some energetic links. It is a preparatory practice.

However, when the mind is free from all conditioning, then you will find that there comes the creativity of reality, of God, or what you will, and it is only such a mind, a mind which is constantly experiencing this creativity, that can bring about a different outlook, different values, a different world.

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