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Thursday, January 9, 2020

To Find Out What Freedom Is You Must Have Tremendous Energy

Freedom from authority is an extraordinary thing. It is called Spiritual Anarchism.

The so-called spiritual people have in reality induced you with a lot of philosophical hindrances for the opening in towards the Source: a life-philosophical, where you are circling around your own past and future, and hereby create a closed attitude, inattention, absent-mindedness and ennui; an existence-philosophical, where you in your opinion formation and identity formation strive towards being something else than what you are, where you imitate others, are a slave of others ideas and ideals, and where your actions are characterized by irresoluteness and doubt; a spiritual where you are identified with your life-situation, are dependent on religious or political ideologies, and where you hereby exist on a future salvation.

Gurus, coaches and leaders have made you a slave and, therefore, you are frightened of the one thing that you must have, which is freedom.

You must have absolute freedom, otherwise you will be bound, you will be like a dead person. But to have freedom is one of the most difficult things on earth. It means being free from fear, from ambition, from greed, from envy. That is why you must be educated not merely to read books and pass examinations, but to demand freedom.

If you have no freedom, how can you love, even though you may have sex and children?

In fact, nobody wants you to be free. Everybody wants you to be respectable, and the moment you are respectable, you are finished; there can be no freedom for you.

To find out what freedom is you must have tremendous energy, and that energy comes into being only when there is no fear.

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