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Sunday, August 31, 2014

The mind is completely silent when truth is seen

When you realize the truth, then it is only the silent mind, which is seeing, yes, then the mind strangely enough becomes silent.

It is as seeing a danger and avoiding it.

Because when it is seen, that the mind must be completely silent, then the mind actually becomes silent.

And if it then can listen without interpretations, without that your prejudices intervene in order to distort – listens as you perhaps listen to a bird, which sings, without commenting and giving a name.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Emptiness and loss have to do with, that you compare challenges with earlier, and desire or fear something else

In order to be able to get an image to disappear, you must first find out how it arises; and you see, that if you don't react sufficient to any challenge, it will leave an image.

This is because that emptiness and loss slide in between the challenge and the reaction.

The emptiness and the loss have to do with, that you are absent in past and future, and compare the challenge with earlier, and hope, desire or fear something else.

Therewith you have made the challenge into a problem. And it is the problem, which creates the image.

Friday, August 29, 2014

Propagandists are using an instrumental usage of language on human relations

Neither the religious, nor the temporal propaganda, speak about truth.

Propagandists are using, as Habermas expresses it, an instrumental usage of language on human relations, where it actual only should have been used on technical problems.

They relate to humans in a strategic and controlling way, rather than the understanding way, which characterizes a communicative usage of language.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Only in silence you can begin to discover deeper layers of yourself

Awareness consists in, that you observe neutral as in a mirror, without saying yes and no.

Passion consists in feeling deeply and incisively, without seeking to achieve anything with it.

In the passive listening presence you are letting the thinking be in calmness in longer periods, you are letting the space between the thoughts expand more and more.

Only in this silence you can begin to discover deeper layers of yourself, layers which have to do with the images of time - your perspective on yourself and the world – and which, through this voyage of discovery, open themselves from the personal, to the more collective and universal, and finally, to reality and truth.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

An insider in society is an outsider in relation to life itself, while an outsider is an insider

Krishnamurti said, that it would be wise to retire in the age of 40 or 45, or even younger.

Not in order to enjoy the fruits of what the world can offer, or what you have gathered of wordly things, but retire in order to find yourself, to think and feel deeply, to meditate and discover reality; because then you would actually be able to help the world in quite another way, because you not are identified with it.

An insider in society is namely an outsider in relation to life itself, while an outsider in relation to society, is an insider in life itself.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Words have neurological as well as psychological meaning in accordance with your culture

The mind is pieced together by words and associations of thoughts, images and symbols, that are manifestations of the common human structure of belief and knowledge, which the images in time constitute.

The evaluations originate from this historical background.

Words such as God, love, Socialism, Communism, duty, necessity, etc. have an extremely important role in our life.

Words have neurological as well as psychological meaning in accordance with the culture in which you have been raised.

To a Christian some words and symbols have immensely meaning, and to a Moslem some other words have an equivalent vital meaning.

And the evaluations take place within this area.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Don´t just give answers to your images of life - go into an investigation of them

To leave out your images of life doesn´ t mean, that you throw them totally away, but that you see the relative in them.

This also means, that you not just shall give answers to them, but that you go into an investigation of these images themselves.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Language must be made transparent in presence and reality

That the mind must disentangle from language is not equivalent with that language must stop.

Language is necessary.

But in order to, that our usage of language can be precise, logical and clear, there must be a non-linguistical sensation, which carries it.

It must be made transparent in presence and reality.

When language is made transparent it works from the universal images, and therefore synthesizing and healing.

When the whole of consciousness is free from the self-producing becoming – the immensely can reveal itself

The mind can only be in peace when it doesn't experience anything; that is to say: when it doesn't determine and name, register and store anything in memory.

It is not only the upper layers of the mind, which all the time name and register, it is all the various layers of consciousness.

But when the superficial mind is silent, the deeper mind can send up signals.

And when the whole of the consciousness is silent and in peace, free from the eternal self-producing becoming - this shutting itself away from life - when there is spontaneous openness for, and self-forgetful being one with life itself, not until then will that, which cant be measured, reveal itself: the new and unknown.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

In philosophical counseling you make a very profound and serious research

It is very important in philosophical counseling - unless you will be content with communicating linguistically - that you also make make use of another kind of communication.

This is first possible when the guest has realized the relative in his images of life, and is ready to go from having some images of life, to having a philosophical life-practice.

In the counseling you make a very profound and serious research, and therefore the guest and the counselor must be connected, both in and beyond the linguistic communication.

There must be solidarity, what implies that the topic of discussion is of great importance for both the guest and the counselor, that it concerns them both, and that they study it with love; that is to say: with a passion for understanding it.

Monday, August 11, 2014

What Man identifies himself with, is always the self-projected, whether it is the highest, the state, or the family

Your world-image is inseparable connected with your self-image. The self-image manifests itself as a certain perspective, so that everything you are seeing, is your own perspective.

The world-image is a projection of yourself, only you divide yourself from it, in the formation of the Ego.

What Man identifies himself with, is always the self-projected, whether it is the highest, the state, or the family.

The identification is, regardless on what plane it takes place, a process of the Ego. Identification with the greater is still a projection of the small, and reverse.

What you identify yourself with, when you identify yourself with the greater, is the idea.

The idea is the Ego identified with for instance God or the state.

But such an identified action only creates more discord, larger confusion, distress and misery.

Friday, August 8, 2014

You must become aware of how you react to the challenges of life

Relations can be seen as a philosophical sparring partner.

And this will be to use the communicative reason.

The relationship is namely a medium of self-exposure, because the relationship is to be. It is the actual life.

Without relationships we don´t live.

In order to be able to understand yourself you must therefore understand the relationship.

You must become aware of how you react to the challenges of life, and for instance write it down in the philosophical diary.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Human essence is an appearance-form of the Now. Why? Because the essence in the human life is meditation

Only meditative-existential you can be in the Now.

The passive listening presence is meditation.

Meditation is to see completely with the heart and the mind; that is to say: with the whole of your essence. The human essence is therefore meditation.

Meditation is the self-forgetful openness for, and absorption in life itself.

The meaning of life is therefore to express the human essence.

Human essence is therefore an appearance-form of the Now. Why? Because the essence in the human life is meditation.

Total existential presence in the Now is meditation.

The essence is therefore one and the same with the existence; and this realized oneness is precisely meditation, or the wholeness of the observer and the observed.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Usually there is displacement between sense stimulation, expression and action

You have for instance had a sexual feeling of lust; later you think about the lust in images - in the image language of the thought - and precisely because of this expression - the thought-activity in images – the lust increases.

At the same time you perhaps, surprised or offended, are observing your lust; the action then consists in, that on the one side you are seeking to endulge yourself in the lust, on the other hand you relate doubtful, astonished, offended to your own feeling.

When the lust is opposed there arises pain, anxiety, jealousy, annoyance, anger, brutality.

All this doesn´t mean, that you must not have lust, the problem is the displacements between sense stimulation, expression and action.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Can Man be so present in passive listening, that he can think when it is necessary, and when not, be silent?

The thought must be active when you are doing something. The thought is a necessity so that we can do no matter what technological work.

In order to, that our actions can be clear, we must think clearly, objectively, without letting us be carried away by moods; without prejudices and preconceived opinions.

It was this, the enlightenment philosophers understood by the reason.

But we also know, that the thought produces human problems, fear and anxiety, and that this anxiety will hinder us in acting effectively.

The question is then, whether you as a Life Artist can act without anxiety when thought-activity is required, and when it is not, be silent?

Can you act with afterthought when it is necessary, and when it is not, let the thought rest?

In fact it is rather simple.

Can Man in that degree be so present in passive listening, that he in the awake condition will think and act when it is necessary, and remain awake whilst he acts, so that he neither falls asleep, or works pure mechanical?

Monday, August 4, 2014

The mind, which is silent, and not made silent, always experiences this silence

The mind, which is silent, and not made silent, always experiences this silence.

Then the thought, the word, is within the silence and not outside it.

The mind is in this silence completely in peace, and it is a silence, which isn´t shaped.

Since silence isn´t saleable, doesn´t have any value on the market, and isn´t saleable, it has a quality of purity and alonebeing.

This being alone is not the unhappy loneliness.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Time will not be able to solve human problems, because such precisely originate from time

The future is always a becoming. The present is therefore never seized, though the understanding exclusively is lying herein.

You can´t be present in the Now through the thinking´s past and future.

This you only can meditative-existential; that is: when you are yourself, and the surroundings, present in passive listening.

As long as there is a becoming something, there is conflict and anxiety, and becoming is always the past, which uses the present to become something, to control and form: an expression of the will to power.

In this process of becoming Man becomes caught in the net of time.

And time will not be able to solve human problems, because such precisely originate from time.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

We want to deduce a result of a problem. In this way we begin to tackle with the problem

We dont know how we unprejudiced can observe a problem.

We want to deduce a result of the problem, we want an answer, we have set us a goal when we seek to solve it; and we try to interpret the problem from our joy or pain; or we already have an answer to how the problem can be treated.

In this way we begin to tackle with the problem, which always is new, and treat it from an old pattern, our images of life.

And in that way we are the problem absent, we are outside it as theorists, and then you have the opposition between the observer and the observed.

And this is to have your identity in an absence.