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Monday, January 30, 2017

Is there any problem when you are the problem present in passive listening?

A central theme in the philosophical life-practice is whether there at all is any problem when you are the problem present in passive listening; that is to say: when you observe it incisively, very closely.

That will say: you can only observe the problem closely, incisively see wherein it consists, when you in self-forgetful way are one with the problem, when the observer is one with the observed.

And then there no longer is any problem, because then there is no reflections, displacements and darkness between the observer and the observed, but on the contrary a presence of something, which not is hidden, a presence of something apparently, something the individual has a clear understanding of.

It is a presence of something straightforward, a presence in naturalness.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

To understand consciousness, means philosophical, that you speak about the perspective of Man as such

To understand consciousness, desires and thinking, means psychological, that you speak about the contents of the observed, and the contents of the thoughts in the individual person, and that you take a psychological perspective on the observed and the thought.

To understand consciousness, desires and thinking, means philosophical, that you speak about the perspective and self-production of Man as such.

You direct the awareness towards the observer and the thinker, rather than towards the observed and the thought, towards the form of consciousness and thinking, rather than towards its content.

And the subconscious has here to do with absence and unreality; that is: the separation of the observer and the observed.

Friday, January 27, 2017

The ideology of needs distorts the human nature

We always want something else than what is necessary in order to cover our daily needs.

It would perhaps be enough for a human being to get a bit of food, a few clothes and a small room to stay in; but we want something else. We want to become a famous person, have a position in the society, have power, prestige, to be God´s chosen, to experience that our friends think high thoughts about us, etc. The whole of the modern management and coaching industry is based on, that all people ought to think in that way.

The problem is difficult, because the inner desire after being the richest and most influential human being, the desire after becoming something, only can be fulfilled through the possession of things, food, clothes and shelter included.

You cling to these things in order to become rich inwards; what will say: to be free and independent in psychological and existential sense. Therefore, you become unhappy when you can´t get what you want, or when you lose it.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Most of us are so eager after solving a problem without investigating it deeply

Most of us are so eager after solving a problem without investigating it deeply.

In order to be able to investigate deeply, you must have energy, intensity, passion; but most of us are indolent and lazy – we want another to solve the problem for us.

But none other than ourselves will in depth be able to solve a single human problem, whether it is of conceptual, political, religious, ethical or existential character.

You must have more than a little vitality, passion and intensity, in order to be able to be the problem present in passive listening, and then, while you observe and feel passively, the answer is there, quite clearly.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

It is completely central for the Life Artist to investigate the nature of experience

It is completely central for the Life Artist to investigate the nature of experience, the way in which you can observe, listen, see.

As a Life Artist you must try to find out, whether it at all is possible to see with more than just one side of your being: sight, intellect or feelings.

Is it at all possible to observe very closely, without that there happens a distortion?

For the Life Artist it is worth the effort to investigate this.

What will it say to see? Can you observe yourself, observe what you in reality are: desirous, envious, worried, fearful, hypocritical, deceitful, self-assertive – can you quite simply observe this without distorting it?